Job Titles | Front Office | Therapy Team | Leadership Team | Name That Person |
Who is the person responsible for organizing student observers and contracts with schools?
What is the triangle with X icon symbolize on theroffice?
Limited Units Auth
What are the average billed units per visit that therapists are expected to meet?
What is the name for the procedures that have been put in place for the different phases of treatment, separated for each individual role?
The ProTailored Way
Who is the person that has their CSCS and also specializes in concussion management?
Who is the person responsible for holding the clinical team accountable for performing job duties and roles?
Clinic Director
What are two capped insurances?
UHC and Cigna
What are the two circumstances that a therapist must do a progress note according to Medicare guidelines?
every 10 visits or 90 days, whichever comes first
What are the goals called that the supervisors discuss and develop with each staff member at the quarterly check-ins?
Who are the three people that hold the title of CEO Jr?
Adelaide, Everrete, and Alice
Who is the person responsible for Note Audits, coding, and documentation quality control?
Billing Manager
What are the two types of document reminders?
Initial Evaluation and Progress Note
What does the acronym SMART mean when referring to goal writing for patients?
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely
What is the form that you fill out when you are hired that reveals things like your favorite candy or favorite way to be pampered?
Staff Interest Surveys
Who's phone rings first when someone calls the clinic?
Who is the person that holds many duties, some of which include, entering new patient information in TO, tidying the lobby, and making confirmation calls?
Check In or Patient Care Coordinator
What are the two steps that are taken if a patient reschedules?
Appt taken off of schedule with notes, recapture appt
What are two reasons that a person would not be an appropriate candidate for laser treatment?
Pregnancy, Active Cancer, Pain pump, insulin pump, pacemaker, metal plates, etc.
What is the company that we utilize to help us stay compliant?
Who is the person that recently finished training and is now helping to submit and monitor authorizations and helps fight denials?
Mary Grace
Who is the person that brings joy to the office when they create and execute monthly internal events, games, and/or themes?
Director of Happiness
If someone calls in requesting records or patient information, what are the steps to take to verify their eligibility to receive records?
see if doctor was listed on paperwork or see if person is listed in HIPAA release section in paperwork
What treatment technique does CPT code 97110 refer to?
Neuro-muscular re-education
What is this annual staff-filled out questionnaire that the LT analyzes the results from regarding potential and restrictions to growth?
SWOT Analysis
Who is the person that has six siblings and recently made the transition for tech to patient care coordinator?