Old Testament | New Testament | Book of Mormon | Latter-day Prophets |
Who is Noah.
This prophet was commanded to build an ark.
Ce prophète a reçu l'ordre de construire une arche. |
Who is Judas Iscariot?
This apostle betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
Cet apôtre a trahi Jésus pour 30 pièces d'argent . |
Who is Mormon?
This prophet is the namesake of the Book of Mormon.
Ce prophète est l'homonyme du Livre de Mormon. |
Who is Joseph Smith?
He was the first prophet of the restoration. He translated the Book of Mormon.
Il a été le premier prophète de la restauration. Il a traduit le Livre de Mormon. |
Who is Moses?
This prophet received the 10 commandments from God on Mt. Sinai.
Ce prophète a reçu les 10 commandements de Dieu sur le mont Sinaï. |
Who is Paul?
He persecuted Christians before his conversion. He wrote many letters.
Il a persécuté les chrétiens avant sa conversion. Il a écrit de nombreuses lettres. |
Who is Moroni?
This prophet was the last to write in the Book of Mormon.
Ce prophète a été le dernier à écrire dans le Livre de Mormon. |
Who is Brigham Young?
He led the Mormon pioneers to Utah.
Il a conduit les pionniers mormons en Utah. |
Who is Isaiah?
He is the most quoted by Jesus of the Old Testament prophets.
Il est le plus cité par Jésus des prophètes de l'Ancien Testament. |
Who is Peter?
A fisherman, he was one of the lead Apostles, his name means "a rock".
Pêcheur, il fut l'un des principaux apôtres, son nom signifie « un rocher ». |
Who is Lehi?
This prophet led his family out of Jerusalem.
Ce prophète a fait sortir sa famille de Jérusalem. |
Who is Russell M. Nelson?
The current prophet.
Le prophète actuel. |
Who is Daniel?
This prophet in Babylon interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar’s dreams and later refused to not worship God.
Ce prophète de Babylone a interprété les rêves du roi Nebucadnetsar et a ensuite refusé de ne pas adorer Dieu. |
Who is Luke?
He was a physician and a Greek.
Il était médecin et grec. |
Who is Alma the younger
Named after his father, he persecuted the church before receiving a visit from an angel.
Nommé d'après son père, il a persécuté l'église avant de recevoir la visite d'un ange. |
Who is Wilford Woodruff?
He baptized hundreds of people and dedicated the Salt Lake Temple.
Il baptisa des centaines de personnes et consacra le temple de Salt Lake. |
Who is Nehemiah?
He was cup bearer to Persian King Artaxerxes and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.
Il fut échanson du roi perse Artaxerxès et reconstruisit les murs de Jérusalem. |
Who is Matthew?
This apostle was a tax collector and wrote his Gospel for the Jews.
Cet apôtre était collecteur d'impôts et a écrit son Evangile pour les Juifs. |
Who is Enos?
The son of Jacob. Best known for his "wrestle" before God.
Le fils de Jacob. Mieux connu pour sa "lutte" devant Dieu. |
Who is Ezra Taft Benson?
This prophet had previously served as Secretary of Agriculture and encouraged everyone to read the Book of Mormon.
Ce prophète avait auparavant été secrétaire à l'Agriculture et avait encouragé tout le monde à lire le Livre de Mormon. |