While You Were Sleeping | Behind The Scenes | Who Said It? | First the Worst, Second the Best | Latter-Day Prophets are #1 |
President Bednar
Which apostle spoke about tithing?
What is the name of President Monson's wife who recently passed away?
President Uchtdorf
"Don’t judge me because I sin differently than you"
President Packer
Who would become the next prophet if President Monson were to pass away?
1. Joseph Smith
2. Young 3. Taylor 4. Woodruff 5. Snow 6.Joseph F. Smtih 7. Grant 8. George Albert Smith 9. McKay 10. Joseph Fielding Smith 11. Lee 12. Kimball 13. Benson 14.Hunter 15. Hinckley 16. Monson
Name all of the Latter-Day prophets in order
What did Elder Holland focus his talk on?
President Packer
Which apostle has written a poem every ten years of his life starting at the age of 68?
Elder Nelson
"Catch the wave!"
President Hinckley
President Monson President Faust
Who made up the First Presidency before President Monson was made prophet and before President Eyring was called into it?
Amos 3:7
What scripture states, “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets”?
Elder Hales
Not including the one who presided, who was the first apostle to speak?
Elder Scott
Whose wife passed away almost 20 years ago and hasn't yet been remarried?
President Monson
"Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith."
1. Appoint bishops,
2. Preside (set in order all church affairs) 3. Officiate over all offices in the church 4. Direct the labors of the Quorum of the Twelve 5. Decide difficult cases, settle spiritual controversies 6. Make decisions about the use of tit
Name 3 of the 7 rights that only the First Presidency has over the church.
What year did President Hinckley pass away?
Elder Perry
Besides the First Presidency, which apostle spoke at the Priesthood Session?
President Packer, 10 kids.
Who has the most children?
President Packer, Elder Holland or Elder Andersen? |
Elder Holland
"I want it absolutely clear when I stand before the judgment bar of God that I declared to the world, in the most straightforward language I could summon, that the Book of Mormon is true"
1. Chosen by the Quorum of the Twelve
2. Appointed and Ordained by the Quorum of the Twelve 3. "Upheld by the confidence, faith and prayers of the church"
What are the requirements of calling a new First Presidency? (3)
1. Packer
2. Perry 3. Nelson 4. Oaks 5. Ballard 6. Scott 7. Hales 8. Holland 9. Bednar 10. Cook 11. Christofferson 12. Andersen
Name the apostles in order of when they were called.
"Tell them to read the scriptures"
What advice was given to President Packer from President S. Dilworth Young on what to tell the stake he was addressing that was having issues with tensions and difficulties among the members?
1. President Monson
2. President Packer 3. Elder Oaks 4. Elder Holland 5. Elder Bednar 6. Elder Andersen
Six of the 15 prophets and apostles have attended BYU at one point. Name 4 of them.
President Uchtdorf
"Nevertheless, spiritual light rarely comes to those who merely sit in darkness waiting for someone to flip a switch. It takes an act of faith to open our eyes to the Light of Christ. Spiritual light cannot be discerned by carnal eyes."
David O. McKay
1. Hugh B. Brown 2. Thorpe B. Isaacson 3. Alvin R. Dryer (not one of the 12 apostles) 4. Spencer W. Kimball 5. Gordon B. Hinckley
One President had 5 counselors at one time, who was it?
What number apostle is Elder Andersen? (How many men have been called to serve in the Quorum of the 12 in the Latter Days?)