Model Matter Properties of Matter States of Matter Physical/Chemical Changes Mixtures and solutions
What is the smallest and most basic part of an element and molecules are the smallest part of a COMPOUND that are made out of atoms?
The difference between atoms and molecules is that...
What is quantitative properties are measurable properties such as weight, mass and volume while qualitative properties are observables in which you sue your five senses?
What is the difference between quantitative properties and qualitative properties?
What is water?
This natural substance is found in all three states
What are bending, folding, crushing, change of state?
Name three examples of things you can do to create a physical change
What is when two or more substances combine and keep their own physical properties?
A mixture is..
What is molecule?
The smallest particle of a compound that still has the properties of that compound is called a _________
What is particles in solids vibrate in place, particles in liquids move past each other and gas particles move very fast and spread out to fill available space?
How does the particle arrangement and movement look in solids, liquids, and gases?
What are mass and volume?
The two properties that all matter has are...
What are change in color, taste, mass, odor, temperature, release of heat... etc?
Some signs that a chemical change has occurred are:
What are: magnets for magnetic substances, strainers or filters, density for things that float?
Name three methods of separating mixtures:
What is matter made from two or more elements?
What are compounds?
What is weight is the amount of gravity acting on an object and mass is how much matter is in an object?
The difference between mass and weight is...
What is mass?
Which property of an ice cube will stay the same after the ice cube has melted?
What are corrosion, decay, gas creation, baking?
Name three different types of chemical changes
False, it can usually be separated by evaporating
T/F A solution cannot be separated?
What is One oxygen atom in the middle attached to two hydrogen atoms?
Draw a water compound
What is particles, Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin?
Temperature is a measure of how fast __________ are moving and is measured in three units which are ...
What are 0 degrees Celsius and 32 degrees Fahrenheit for freezing and 100 Celsius and 212 Fahrenheit for boiling?
The freezing point of water is ______ and the boiling point is _____
What are: some examples can be: Physical, crumbling a paper, using an eraser down, unfolding our clothes,
chemical: cooking breakfast, lighting a candle, drinking soda?
Name three examples of chemical and three of physical changes you see on a daily basis?
What is because it also has two or more substances combined however the properties are distributed evenly?
Why is a solution a special type of mixture?
What is there is a combination of different amounts of atoms causing different molecules to form?
Hydrogen peroxide is known as H2O2 and water is H2O, how do the same atoms create completely different compounds?
What is: Mass (k) with a balance, Weight (Newtons) with a scale, Volume (l, cm3,g) with length * width * height or water displacement, temperature (C) with thermometer
Name the unit of measurement and tool of measurement for the following: Mass, Weight, Volume and Temperature
What is thermal energy?
The powerhouse or cause of state changes is..
What is heat can help change states in a physical change and heat is released in a chemical change?
How is heat involved in chemical and physical changes?
What is the solute is the kool-aid powder and solvent is the water?
What are the solute and the solvent in kool-aid?

Properties of Matter

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