Vocab | Discipline and Positive Guidnace | Defining Positive Behvaior | Promoting Positive behvaior | Rewards |
What is discipline
discipline is a guidance that helps children learn to behvae appropriately
What does most parents confuse dicipline with
What do parents want there child to develop
Positive values and character traits
How do you promote positive behavior?
Be a role model/ mutal respect/ be consisent with rules
Why are rewards important??
Rewards can help increasing there selfesteem
What is positive guidance
Another name for discipline:guidance that helps children learn to behave appropriately
What is the difference between punishment and discipline
Punishment is- penalties for inapporiate behvaior
Discipline- setting clear expectations, modeling positive behavior, and taking steps to avoid negative behavior |
In order to incourage a pre-schooler to be caring parents can
Model an dteach them about kindness
How do you encourage positive behavior?
Give a rewards for postive behavior
How to reinforce positive behvaior?
Have a chore chart/ Play with your child, have limits
What is self discipline
the ability to manage there own behavior
Some people view discipline or positive with what?
There focus only on the present
In order to set reasonable expectations parents need to have?
A basic understanding of what abilities in challenges are typical at each stage
What are examples of positive behavior?
Caring; Desires to help people
How can you create a positive behvaior plan?
Work one one behavior at a time
What is limits
Are rules that define the boundary between acceptable and unacceptable behvaior
What do children need
When parents set reasonable limits for children they teach children what?
Is safe and acceptable to do
Why is positive bevaior important?
Motivates them to keep wokring
What are some rewards for positive behavior?
A toy, sheet of stickers, take the kid to the park, make cookies together
What is positive reinforment
A response to a desired behavior that makes the behavior likely to be repeated
Parents choose the parenting style that works best for, what?
Themselves and their children
If a limit is too loose a child could be in what?
Why is it important to model and promote positive behavior for children?
Children find it much easier to learn by doing, watching different thing
Why should you keep your word with your child?
They learn the discipline of commitments