Discipline This Is How We Do It Investigations Disciplinary Letters Potpourri
What is progressive discipline?
This process helps an employee understand that there is a performance issue and gives the employee an opportunity to correct it
What is a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)?
An employee who has a pattern of failure to meet expectations and needs retraining might benefit from this plan.
What is the 2nd step grievance, and only upon request?
This is when the employee/union are provided a copy of the investigation questions or notes?
What is the termination/dismissal letter?
This is the final disciplinary letter and most serious form of discipline which may occur for repeated or very serious infractions.

What is acknowledge improvements?
After discipline is issued to an employee, the supervisor will monitor performance. If performance does improve it is important for the supervisor to do this..
What is coaching?
Unless there was an eggregious situation, discipline is preceded by this.
What is false?
True or False. Notes about employee performance are kept in the Supervisor's file and are not discoverable.
What is open-ended?
This type of question is most used in investigations to enable the employee to explain their perspective.
What are expectations?
The oral reprimand, written reprimand and suspension letter should reference the specific performance problems leading up to the discipline as well as these future _________.
Who is the Labor Relations Representative?
Contact this person for assistance with the grievance process.
What is false?
True or False. Labor contracts typically provide for the employee to choose to have a union steward present when meeting to receive discipline.
Who are your Manager and HR Business Partner?
Before you take any disciplinary action these people should be informed:
What is false?
True or False. Employees may record the investigation on their phone, upon request.
What are Policy and HR Rule?
Disciplinary letters should refer to the _________, Procedure or ___________ that has been violated by the employee.
What is true?
True or False. A terminated employee may be reinstated as a result of Arbitration.
What are Oral Reprimand, Written Reprimand, Suspension, Termination/Dismissal?
These are the 4 levels of Progressive Discipline most often referred to?
What is Successful Supervision: Performance Management?
This is the title of the new eLearning for supervisors which includes information on performance management and progressive discipline.
What is "Is there anything else you would like to tell me at this time?"
This is the best, final question for an investigation.
What is original?
The supervisor should sign the disciplinary letter and then copy the letter. This vrsion of a disciplinary letter is given to the employee (copy OR original).
What is Veterans'?
The MN _______ Preference Act provides that covered employees may not be discharged or demoted except for incompetence or misconduct, and must be advised of their rights under that law and a hearing on the charges.
What is false?
True or False. One suspension typcally precedes a dismissal except in an eggregious situation.
What is an Investigation or Investigative Interview?
This is typically the first thing that happens as you begin the path of progressive discipline:

What is false?
True or False. Any Investigation should include all employee witnesses to the problematic situation.
Who is the payroll contact?
This person will ensure that a copy of the disciplinary letter is forwarded for filing in the HR employee file.
What is false?
True or False. A supervisor should conduct a pre-investigation with the employee and any coworkers involved before beginning an investigaton.

Progressive Discipline

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