Systems Theory | Governance | Auspice | ON - Chapter of Risky Business |
Microsystem, Mesosystem, Exosystem, Macro System.
What are the names of the four ecological systems?
People trust the program
Program has clear direction Board of directors, or Owner is connected to children/families/staff & stakeholders; Operator/Bd makes good decisions; Work is valued Organization can weather a crisis (e.g., serious Occurrence) Financial stability
Name one component of good governance.
City of Toronto Child Care, 47 Municipalities in Ontario.
Define a 'Public' organization and provide an example.
False, most are non-profit (21% of regulated spaces) in 2019.
True or false, the majority of child care spaces in Ontario is operated on a for-profit basis.
Family, Child care centres, and peers are examples of which level of systems theory?
Public, Private, Civil Society
According to the video on governance, what are sectors of governance?
Auspice refers to the legal incorporated status of the program (For-profit, non-profit, public)
What does Auspice mean and provide examples?
True or false, Family child care agencies may be publicly operated, non-profit, or for-profit.
A sum of their parts.
Systems are integrated, they are more than?
A patron board
The primary role of this type of board is role is to raise money for the centre. It is usually comprised of individuals with financial means and influence.
Non-profit, private
What type of 'auspice' incorporation is the YMCA?
In 2019, what percentage of full day programs in Ontario were for-profit?
Foresight, oversight, insight
Good systems measure a range of performance indicators, they account for?
Cooperative boards
This type of board is also known as collectives. There is not one person in the role of Executive Director or no hierarchy. The board exists since required by law
Every member of the board equally responsible based on consensus. |
For-profit, private
What type of 'auspice' is Kids & Company?
Decent work for educators, working conditions,
What are some elements of quality that are often associated as poorer in for-profit care?
This component seen as psychosocial subsystem made up of individuals & groups.
Stakeholders, Families, ECEs, Staff, CECE, MOE
Responsible for good governance and the needs of children and families?
Non-profit, quasi-public
What type of 'auspice' are GBC lab schools?
False. In certain Municipalities, child care centres that are not-for-profit are able to access subside and other supports.
True or false, in order to receive subsidy funding, all child care centres in Ontario must have a purchase of service agreement with the municipality?