Letters A-E | Letters F-J | Letters K-O | Letters P-T | Letters U-W, Y & Z |
What is August
The month in 2009 when Diabolical Box was released in North America.
What is Folsense
The phantom town and final stop on the train
What is Katia
Sophia & Anton's granddaughter
What is Picarats
The built-in scoring system that is in all games of the Professor Layton series.
What is Unwound Future
The subtitle of the sequel to Diabolical Box
What is Barton
A police constable who works for Scotland Yard under Inspector Chelmey
What is Granny Riddleton
Full Name. Recurring elderly woman character with brown wide hair, black eyes, a long red nose & a witch's hat.
What is Level-5
Developer of the Professor Layton series.
What is Quest
Luke & Layton embark on this synonym for search or pursuit to solve the mystery of the Elysian Box
What is paVel
The THIRD LETTER in the name of this explorer who is a man of contradictions and a fearless adventurer with no sense of direction.
What is Curious Village
The subtitle of the game that preceded Diabolical Box
What is Herschel
The first name of the titular Professor.
What is Molentary
After discovering a train ticket, Luke and Layton hop onboard a train of this Express
What is Remy
A guard at Mr. Anderson's mansion, who usually spends his days asleep on his feet at his post.
What is Wurtzer
Close friend of Mr. Anderson & a warm gentleman whose way with words and companionable nature make him the perfect conversation partner.
What is Dropstone
A countryside village with fields and small buildings that the train stops en route to London
What is iOS
In addition to Android, the game was ported to this mobile platform in the late 2010s
What is Nintendo DS
The name of the handheld system Diabolical Box first released on.
What is Schrader
The last name of Professor Layton's mentor
What is Yo (Oizumi)
First Name. The Japanese Voice actor of Professor Layton
What is Elysian
The goal of the game is to solve the mystery of this box.
What is Jacques
patient butler to the Anderson Family
What is Oscar
Dairy farmer who wins the Dropstone Dairy Crown with his cow Mootilda.
What is Thunder
Last Name. The Conductor of the Molenrary Express, Sammy
What is Zombies
In Chapter 7, Layton & Luke share a nightmare where houseguests have red eyes and are these undead creatures