"Agile Manifesto Anti-patterns. Based on the clue, what item is this an anti-pattern of?" Soft Skills Surviving at work Things I thought I knew Common Agile Anti-patterns Softvision World Geography
What is "Working software over comprehensive documentation"
I like big docs and I cannot lie.
What is "Negotiation"?
The art of no one getting everything they want.
What is "Turn your camera on when you are speaking" ?
If it's important enough to say it, it's important enough for me to do this when I say it on a remote meeting.
What is "Should we put story points on bugs?"
No. Because because they provide no value.
What is Romania?
The country where Softvision originated
What is "Customer collaboration over contract negotiation."
What they say they want today is not nearly as important as what they signed six months ago.
What is "Open Minded"?
Don't be so "this", that your brains fall out!
What is "evil"?
It's the 'e' in "Email".
What is "Servant Leadership gone bad."
well...I guess....if that's what everyone wants....I suppose we can try....
What is Mexico?
No, they aren't part of SOFTVISION's North America.
What is "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools"
If you'd read your email, you'd know I sent you a new flow chart.
What is "Openness to Criticism"?
"You're wrong. You're mean for even thinking that. And you're nothing but a big doo doo head." would be an example of NOT having this soft skill.
"What is "Definition of Done" or "Definition of Ready"?
Noah Webster, Merriam Webster, the Oxford College all have these- and so should your backlog items.
What is "Extending the Sprint" (bad idea)
"It's just a couple of extra days so we can close these items out. I'm sure in the long run it will be fine."
What is Ukraine?
What is "Responding to change over following a plan"
We go live on Monday. No matter what.
What is "Attention to detail."
"I do one thing at a time. I do it VERY well. And THEN, I move on." can be an indicator of this soft skill.
What is "A plan"?
We have to have one of these, so we know what we're going to deviate from in the future.
What is "Doing estimates without the team/having the tech lead do estimates for everyone?"
This way we can get estimates without bothering the rest of the team.
What are the Phillipines?
It is believed to have human inhabitants as early as 709,000 years ago. (give or take a few thousand years).
What is "Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
Bonus: If I never have to talk to a developer, that would be just fine.
What is "Time Management"?
"I do one thing at a time. I do it VERY well. And THEN, I move on." can be an indicator of a LACK of this soft skill.
Who is "The client"?
This person is always right...except when they aren't.
What is "Skipping Agile ceremonies like Retros and Grooming"?
If we do this, we'll get an extra hour or two of work time this week. (whether or not that will be a good thing is debatable)
What is Argentina
I wonder how cold it is there right now. Being that it's still winter and all.

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