Weekly Services Metrics 1 | Random Weekly Metrics | Weekly Consumable Metrics 1 | Monthly Metrics 1 | Monthly Metrics 2 |
AP holds defect rate
What is the most failed services metric?
PO approvals!
What weekly metric are both POAs responsible for?
What is the count submission deadline?
Who are the senior based SLI questions directed toward in NI?
Tier 3s only
Who is required to have a Thrive based 1:1s?
What is the minimum passing score for the Janitorial Audit?
Food vending, janitorial, NIR safety audit, reusables
List all of the weekly audits
What is the maximum weekly DOH OOR to pass the metric?
When do associate SLI questions begin each month?
What is the highest SLI score a POA can have before an SLI Intake is required?
What percentage of AP Holds must be resolved each week for a passing score?
DOH, dwelling trailers, count submission, NIRLE, PO approvals!
What weekly metrics are the consumable POA's responsibility? (list all!!!)
Weekly total OB units divided by NIRLE rate = hours available
How is NIRLE calculated?
3/quarter, minimum $1000
What is the minimum quarterly cost saving expectation?
Any engagement: birthday roundtable, 1:1, conversation, gemba, etc.
What constitutes an engagement toward the engagement metric?
PO approvals, food vending audit, janitorial audit, NIR safety audit, AP holds resolution, holds defect rate
What weekly metrics are the services POA's responsibility? (list all!!!)
02:59am EST Sunday (11:59pm PST Saturday)
When must all audits be complete to pass for the week?
Dwelling Amazon-Owned Trailers > 72 hours in any of the 3 highlighted buckets (Consumables, Storage, or Wood Pallet/Trash/Recycling) in CAMP
What defines a dwelling trailer?
Post OR pick 1 idle asset/month
What constitutes passing for the idle assets metric?
10th of each month
What are the deadlines for the Safety Occurrence A3s?
How is the AP Holds Defect Rate calculated?
Danielle - pop quiz!
How is the AP holds defect rate calculated?
Standard min/max: 1-20 DOH
Calculated based off Delphi usage rates and what number of items fall in the range above. i.e. 40 items total, 2 at 0.7 DOH and 1 at 35 DOH, = 3/40 OOR = 7.5% DOH OOR
How is DOH OOR calculated, and what are the standard mins/maxes?
Total overdue KNETs assigned divided by all T1-T3 assigned active KNETs
How is the KNET pass rate calculated at the POA level?
Task Management!
What is the most failed monthly metric?