True/False Multiple Choice Open Ended
Specific elements that make up a problem are called structural features.
a) mental set
3. Rob works in a furniture store and cannot figure out how to reach an item at the top of a shelf. The storage room is locked so it does not have a ladder. Bob is not realizing he can use a table. What is responsible for this difficulty?

Prior to incubation
When is fixation a good thing?
. Designing a bridge as an engineer required both divergent & convergent thinking.
1. Program A, 25 mil will be saved
With risk aversion in mind, Imagine been informed that 100 million citizens of Nebraska have been infected with a new deadly strain of the flu.
You have to decide between two programs to prevent the disease:
The concept stating the way choices are presented influence the decisions being made
What is the framing effect?
Whichever group finished firsts keeps their points and gets the points wagered by the other team!
The Reverse Acrobat Problem
Whichever group finished firsts keeps their points and gets the points wagered by the other team!

All the links in one chain are opened and separated. (3 opened= 6 points) These three pieces are used to connect the three remaining chains. (3 closings= 9
Actions taken that take a problem from one state to another are called _____
Ultimatum game is a game in which a proposer is given a sum of money and makes an offer to a responder as to how this money should be split between them. The responder must choose to accept the offer or reject it.
1. go all in - get $50 if you win
* With risk taking in mind, you are in a poker game, you can either:
1. go all in - get $50 if you win
2. or you can walk away - have a sure $200
Noticing, Mapping, Applying
What are the 3 steps of an analogical transfer?
Whichever group finished firsts keeps their points and gets the points wagered by the other team!
c) Tvesrky & Kahneman
Who conducted the Judging Occupations experiment where people had to guess if a person was a librarian or a farmer?
a) Sanfey & Coworkers
b) Denes-Raj & Epstein
c) Tvesrky & Kahneman
d) Waltz & Coworkers
Because this version is more of a "real life" example so its more familiar and relatable.
Why did participants perform better on the concrete version of the Wason's 4 card problem?

Problem Solving, Resoning, and Decision Marking

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