Problem Size | Solution | Consequence | Solve the Problem |
Sara was in charge of bringing in the group's science project but she brought the wrong flash drive to school. How big is the problem?
-Stay home because she is sick
-Take some medicine and try to go to school -Sleep in and go to school late -Other
Casey really wants to go to school today because it's field day but she isn't feeling well. What could she do to solve this problem?
His teacher could catch him, think he's cheating and/or give him a 0 on the test.
Clay got a bad grade on his last science test, so he made sure to stay after to get extra help. He saw the test's answer sheet on his teacher's desk and looked at it. What could happen if he uses that solution?
1. Someone might have broken into James' house.
2. This is a very big problem 3. (a) James could hide somewhere in his house until someone gets home, (b) James could call his parents (c) James could leave immediately and call his parents and/or the police 4. Option c might be the best way to solve this problem 5. This choice would likely solve our problem
James came home after school and his front door was wide open. When he walked into his house, he noticed a huge mess; furniture flipped over and items thrown around. He's feeling unsafe and isn't sure who made this mess. Solve the problem using the Problem Solving Steps.
Michaela borrowed her friend's shirt and got pizza sauce and oil on it. She tried to wash it but the stains won't come out. How big is the problem?
-Try his best to eat it
-Politely tell his friend he does not like fish -Just eat the side dishes served with the fish -Other
Nick's friend invited him over for dinner. They're eating salmon and Nick hates fish. What could he do to solve this problem?
While this is a nice gesture, buying someone a gift to ask for forgiveness is not always the right solution. If Jeff wants to do something nice to his friend, he should apologize first and then give him a gift.
Jeff got into a fight with his friend and instead of apologizing, got him a gift certificate to the mall. What could happen if he uses that solution?
1. Eve's grades are starting to drop because she is so busy
2. This is a small/medium-sized problem 3. (a) Eve could stay up later at night to study, (b) Eve could make sure she catches up on her homework over the weekends (c) Eve could ask her teachers for some help with her work 4. a, b, and c might all be good solutions for this problem 5. This would likely solve our problem
Eve is doing really well on the track team and is winning a lot of meets. She has practice every day after school. She's so busy that she's starting to fall behind in her classes. Solve the problem using the Problem Solving Steps.
Big/Very big
Joey saw heavy smoke coming out of his neighbor's house and no one is home. How big is the problem?
-Ask his friend how he is feeling about science class
-Offer to help his friend -Ignore the fact that his friend is struggling -Other
TJ is really good at science and sees that his friend Matt is having a hard time. Matt hasn't asked for help and TJ doesn't want to embarrass him. What could he do to solve this problem?
If Mindy doesn't say something to her friend, her friend could fail the assignment or the test. Even though her friend might get embarrassed, she should say something to her friend so she can help her.
Mindy saw that her friend was solving the math problems in the wrong way. She didn't want to tell her friend she was wrong so she didn't say anything. What could happen if she uses that solution?
1. Kyle's friends are fighting and he doesn't want them to be mad at him, too.
2. This is a small/medium-sized problem 3. (a) Kyle could try to help his friends solve their problem and stop fighting, (b) Kyle could tell his friends how he is feeling, (c) Kyle could hang out with his friends and hope they don't get mad at him. 4. A combination of a and b might be the best solution 5. This would likely solve our problem
Kyle has two best friends, Jake and Tom. Jake and Tom got into an argument and aren't speaking. Kyle is worried that he will make one upset if he talks and hangs out with the other. Solve the problem using the Problem Solving Steps.
Very small/Small
Samir found out his best friend made the debate team and he didn't. How big is the problem?
-Talk to her sister about it
-Tell someone how she's feeling (a friend, a parent, etc.) -Scream at her sister -Other
Bailey's older sister always ignores her when she's with her friends. It hurts Bailey's feelings. What could she do to solve this problem?
Her cousin's friend could see that the first impression did not represent who Kimberly was and maybe they will become friends.
Kimberly feels like she made a bad impression when she met her cousin's friend, so she makes sure to spend more time with her so they can get to know each other. What could happen if she uses that solution?
1. Cameron said something mean to his friend
2. This is a medium-sized problem 3. (a) Cameron could apologize and explain to his friend that he had been having a bad day, (b) Cameron could do nothing and hope his friend forgets about it tomorrow, (c) Cameron could do something nice for his friend in hopes that his friend will forgive him 4. Option a seems like it would be the best option 5. This solution would likely solve the problem
Cameron woke up with a migraine and didn't sleep very well. Once he got to school, he realized he left his homework on the bus. His friend came over with exciting news and all he could say was "Sounds great for you." Now his friend is upset with him and he's having a terrible day. Solve the problem using the Problem Solving Steps.
Big/Very big
Jake heard his friend talk about hurting himself. How big is the problem?
-Ask a friend if they can study together
-Ask the teacher for help -Spend more time studying and reading his math book -Other
Sam has gotten bad grades on his last three math tests. He has one more test coming up before grades are due. He doesn't feel very confident about this test. What could he do to solve this problem?
If his mom finds out he lied, he could get in trouble.
Cody plans on finishing his homework after he watches a TV show. His mom asks him if his work is done and says it is. What could happen if he uses that solution?
1. Identify the problem
2. Determine the size of the problem 3. Create 3 solutions 4. Choose the best solution 5. Has the problem been solved?
Name the 5 problem solving steps.