3rd Declension Noun Endings | Parse That Verb I | Parse That Verb II | Vocabulary | Translate! |
What is masc. or fem. / acc / s ?
What is 3 / pl / pres ?
What is pres. infinitive?
What is nothing?
What is "We ought to give a rose to the teacher"?
Magistrae rosam dare debemus.
What is masc. or fem. / acc / pl ?
What is 3 / s / pres ?
What is 1 / s / imperf?
What is to wander; err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken
erro, errare, erravi, erratum
What is "I see the men in the field"?
Viros in agro video.
What is masc., fem., or n. / dat. or abl. / pl ?
What is 1 / pl / pres ?
What is imperative s.?
What is your?
vester, vestra, vestrum
What is "Do you have many good books?"
Multosne libros bonos habetis?
What is n. / nom. or acc. / pl ?
What is imperative pl.?
What is 2 / pl / imperf?
What is song, poem?
carmen, carminis, n.
What is "Will you lead a good life?"
Agetisne bonam vitam?
What is masc., fem., or n. / gen / pl ?
What is 1 / s / fut ?
What is 2 / pl / fut?
What is out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of (+ abl)
ex / e
What is "I will write this book about the whole world"?
Hunc librum de toto orbe scribam.