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What is Body Mechanics
The way the body system work together standing, moving, doing a job that require physical effort.
What is communication?
The exchange information, thoughts, ideas, and feeling.
What is Medicaid?
Government program that provides medical care for people whose income are below a certain level.
What is an associate's degree?
A degree awarded by a vocational/technical school or a community collage after completion of a prescribed two year course of study.
What is ethnicity?
Define as values, beliefs, ideas, customs, and characteristics passed from one generation to the next.
What is OSHA
Federal agency that ensures safe working conditions for all employees.
What is feedback?
A method that can be used to determine whether communication was successful.
What is Medicare?
Government program that provides medical care for elderly and/or disabled individuals.
What is registration?
A regulatory body that administers examinations and maintains a current list (registry) of qualified personnel in a given area.
What is agnostic?
Define as thebelieves that the existence of god cannot be proven or disproven.
What is oxygen, fuel, and heat.
The three things needed to start a fire.
What is listening?
Paying attention to and making an effort to hear what the other person is saying.
What is managed care?
An approach that has developed in response to rising health care costs.
What is levels of training.
What does aide, technician, technology, professional represent?
What is ethnocentric?
Define as the believe in the supremacy of their own ethnic group and that their cultural values are better than the cultural values of others.
What is ABC.
The type of extinguisher that can be used on any type of fire.
What is leadership?
The skill and ability to encourage people to work together and do their best to achieve common goal.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
Establishes and enforces standards that protect workers from job-related injuries and illnesses.
Maintain cleanliness of a health care facility.
What is race?
Define as the classification of people based on physical or biological characteristics.
What is disinfectants.
Substance that prevent or inhibit the growth of pathogenic organism, but are not effective against spores and viruses.
What is stress?
The body's reaction to any stimulus that requires a person to adjust to a changing environment.
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Set of federal regulations adopted to protect the confidentially of patient information and the ability to retain health insurance coverage.
What is Gerontologist?
Treat the disorders of elderly.
What is extended family?
The family type that includes mother, father, children, grand-parents, aunts, uncles, and cousin.
What is dependability?
The ability to be relied upon by others.