Lesson 19: Recognize Good and Evil The Law of Consecration Three Degrees of Glory Word of Wisdom
Where do false spiritual gifts come from?
D&C 50:2–3
To help the poor and needy and build the church
Why did the Lord give the early Church members the law of consecration?
D&C 42:30, 34–35
A vision regarding the three degrees of glory
D&C 76:19–23
What did Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon see as they thought about the scripture in John 5:29, and what testimony did they give of Christ?
That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you.
What was the purpose of the School of the Prophets?
D&C 88:77–78, 80
If we are having difficulty knowing if something is from God, what can we do?
D&C 46:7
The Bishop
Who was responsible to collect and care for items offered to the church?
D&C 42:31–33
The Holy Ghost and angels will minister to the people in the telestial kingdom. The people there will know about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ but will never live with them or see them.
Who will live in the telestial kingdom & which member of the Godhead will visit the people in the telestial kingdom?
Grains, fruits, vegetables, small amounts of meat; see D&C 89:10–16
According to section 89, what foods are good for our bodies?
"Every thing which inviteth to do good, and to persuade to believe in Christ, is sent forth by the power and gift of Christ... (and) Whatsoever thing persuadeth men to do aevil, and believe not in Christ, and deny him, and serve not God"
How can we know if what we are seeing or hearing is from God?
Moroni 7:15–17
In the storehouse
Where did the Church keep the extra supplies that the Saints donated?
D&C 42:34
Jesus Christ will visit the people in the terrestrial kingdom. The people there will know about Heavenly Father but will never live with him.
Who will live in the terrestrial kingdom & which member of the Godhead will visit the people in the terrestrial kingdom?
"shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones"

"And shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures"

"And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint."
What are we promised if we obey the Word of Wisdom and take care of our bodies?
D&C 88:124
The Holy Ghost, also known as the Comforter or the Spirit of truth
What do righteous members of the Church have to help them recognize false spiritual gifts?
D&C 50:17
Our time and talents
Besides money, how else can we donate to the church?
Heavenly Father; the celestial kingdom will include faithful members of the Church who have been baptized and confirmed and have kept the commandments
Who will live in the celestial kingdom & which member of the Godhead will visit the people in the celestial kingdom?
Drugs, tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco
What does the Lord command us not to use?
Healing, faith, miracles, etc
What are 3 of the true spiritual gifts we can receive?
D&C 46:13–25
Pay tithing
How are Church members today asked to help build Church buildings and temples?
Adam, Abraham, Parents and brother Alvin.
Whom did Joseph see, besides Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, in this vision of the celestial kingdom?
Illness and disease, poverty, dishonesty, addictive habits, automobile accidents, inactivity in the Church, and sins resulting from loss of good judgment
What harm can come from not obeying the Word of Wisdom?

Primary - Week of June 30th

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