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Who is Enos?
This person prayed all day long. When he received forgiveness for his sins, he asked “Lord, how is it done?”
Who is Nephi?
This person asked his father where to go hunting to get food for his family.
Who is Joseph Smith?
This person asked God which church is true and which he should join.
Who are Laman and Lemuel?
These two people asked their brother about the meaning of their father’s vision.
Who is the brother of Jared?
This person asked the Lord how to have light, air, and the ability to steer in his fleet of ships.
Who are Jospeh Smith and Oliver Cowdery?
While translating the Book of Mormon, these two asked about how to perform baptisms.
Who is Nicodemus?
This person asked Jesus about being born again. "Can he enter the second time into his mother’s womb"?
Who is King Mosiah?
This person asked God if he should let his sons serve a mission to the Lamanites.
Who is Russell M. Nelson?
This person asked the Lord about the meaning of the word Israel, and learned that one definition is "those who let God prevail"?
Who is Alma the Younger?
This person asked God what happens to our spirits in the "space betwixt the time of death and the time of the resurrection."
Who is Zeezrom?
This person asked some missionaries some questions about God, and offered money if they would deny their testimonies.
Who is Wilford Woodruff?
This person asked the Lord if the practice of polygamy should continue, and published the answer in an official declaration of the church.
Who is Moroni?
This person asked a king why he was doing nothing, sitting in a thoughtless stupor during a war.
Who is Mormon?
This person asked the Lord about the "baptism of little children."
Who is Joseph F Smith?
This person wanted to learn about missionary work in the spirit world. He asked how Christ could "perform the necessary labor among them in so short a time"?