Publications/Forms | ASIMS | AHLTA/WebHA/Tcons | Random |
What is AFI 44-170?
The AFI that governs PHAs.
What is DD Form 2766?
Edited by PHA cell every year during PHA to keep current allergies, meds, medical history, counseling and family history.
What is a Priority WebHA.
Requires follow-up with patient within 72 hours.
What is the AFI 48-123?
AFI that governs medical standards.
What is an Audit?
This is used to determine if a person is abusing alcohol.
What is Clinical Preventive Service and Coronary Heart disease.
CPS/CHD stands for
What is the PCM team.
This team contacts the patient to follow up on Priority/Critical responses.
What is 140/90
This blood pressure range is classified as High Blood Pressure
What is an SF 507?
This form is used in place of an AF WebHA when unavailable or used with a PDHRA/PHA.
What is Aeromedical Services Information Management System?
ASIMS stands for
What is the AHLTA copy and paste report.
This is put in the Add Note section of the AHLTA note.
What is MDGI 44-170?
MDGI that governs PHA.
What are PHA Business Rules?
Rules approved by ECOMS used by PHA to give recommended actions.
What is the PHY tab.
Vitals, exams and visual acuity are under this tab in ASIMS.
What is the Mulitple Patient Report.
This is checked daily to notify PHA cell of any Priority/Critical responses.
What is 60 days?
AF WebHA needs to be completed within how many days of appt.
What is the PHA and FOME Guide?
Air Force guide used for PHA's.
What is a Chlamydia screening.
This exam is required every year for women ages 0-24
What is the cardiovascular risk assessment
This is completed every PHA to determine the CHD risk.
What is Alcohol Use Disorders Identifications Test?
AUDIT stands for.