Prediabetes Stats | Program Goals | Get Active |
What is 1 in 3
Rate of prediabetes in adults in America (1 in ...)
What is 5-7%
Percent of weight loss we are working towards by the six month marker
What are calories
One way physical activity decreases the risk for type 2 diabetes is by using ________
What is 80% (8 in 10)
Percent of people with prediabetes who do not know
What is 150 minutes
Number of weekly activity minutes we are working towards
What is sugar (glucose)
One way physical activity decreases the risk for type 2 diabetes is by lowering blood ________
What is 5 years
Amount of time it takes for 30% of those with prediabetes to convert to type 2 diabetes
What is weight
What you are to report each week
What is moderate
Level of intensity our activity should be
What is 5.7-6.4%
A1c range for someone with prediabetes
What is a make-up
What you should schedule if you will be gone
What is energy
Calories are units of
What is half (58%)
Losing weight through healthy eating and active living can cut the risk for type 2 diabetes in
What is physical activity minutes
What you will start reporting after today (week 3)
What is track
The best way to know how active you are is to