PREP | Final Projects | Class Experience | Students | Miscellaneous |
What is Bethlehem?
The location where Jesus was born.
What is Baptism?
This Sacrament is given around birth.
What is Reconciliation/Confession?
You received this Sacrament while taking this course.
What is an Animal in a suit?
The thing thar Mr. C draws every class.
Who is Luke Skywalker?
He is the main character in Star Wars Original Trilogy.
What is crucifixion?
The process which Jesus was killed by.
What is the Pope?
This is the highest position in the Catholic Church and resides in the Vatican.
What is the ruler?
This wooden item was very popular with the students.
What is prayer?
We always start class with this.
Who are the Avengers?
Members of this group of superheroes have shown up multiple times on the slides.
What is The Burning Bush?
The story where Moses first encountered God.
What is Lent?
This period on the Church Calendar lasts 40 days.
Who is Mr. T? (This Jeopardy was his idea)
This teacher is more direct with the students and comes up with great ideas.
Who is Kaitlyn?
This student constantly asks to hold the ruler in class.
What is “Are you asleep yet?”
This is a question can you never answer yes to.
What is Confirmation?
This Sacrament of Initiation happens when you receive the Holy Spirit and are fully into the community of the Church.
What is The Disobedience in the Garden (Adam & Eve)?
This event in the Old Testament of the Bible is where humans first received Original Sin.
What is Religion 101?
The name Mr. C gave to the course of this class.
Who is Lucas?
This classmate of yours plays on a baseball team.
Who is Leonard?
The name of the snake that was drawn in a suit by Mr. C.
What is an Advent Wreath?
What is leafy green, three times purple, and one times pink, which represents the period of preparation for Christmas.
What is the deacon, the priest, and the bishop?
These are the three main position in a local religious diocese.
What is receiving ashes?
Besides receiving a Sacrament while here, you also did something else that involved the priest.
Who is Joey?
This student has interesting character, a lively spirit, and a passion to learn.
What is “everyone’s married?”
You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. Something makes that possible.