Dietary Restriction and Vitamins and Supplements During Pregnancy | Prenatal Brain Disorders | Genetic Counseling/Testing | Prenatal Tests |
Which trimester during pregnancy is most important to avoid Alcohol?
First Trimester
1 in every 750 infants are born with...?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
What is a Carrier?
A carrier is a person who has a copy of the gene mutation, but does not show signs/symptoms of the disease.
What test can be done to know you are 100% pregnant?
Blood Test
What is Folic Acid's benefit?
(in terms of prenatal supplements)
Folic Acid helps to prevent neural tube defects
What is Down's Syndrome?
A fetus with 47 chromosomes
What Ethnic Group is at Higher Risk for Tay-Sachs Disease?
Central/Eastern Jewish People
What is the prenatal test in which a small amount of amniotic fluid is taken from the sac?
What is Iron's Benefit?
(In terms of Prenatal Supplements)
Iron is a prenatal vitamen that helps to prevent anemia
What is the word Cephalic's meaning?
"Head" or "Head end of Body"
What are 3 things a Genetic Counselor can do?
Genetic counselors can:
• Review your family and medical histories. • Explain how genetic conditions are passed down through families. • Figure out if you or your family members are at risk for disease. • Find and give you information about genetic cond |
What are the two ways a chronic villus sampling can be done?
Through the cervix and abdomen
There is an increased risk of Salmonella Poisoning during pregnancy, What is Salmonella Poisoning?
Consuming raw or undercooked meat and eggs during pregnancy
What is Porencephaly?
An extremely rare disorder occurring in the Central Nervous System?
What is Preimplantation Genetic Testing?
A procedure used prior to implantation to help identify genetic defects within embryos created through in vitro fertilization to prevent certain diseases or disorders from being passed on to the
In what trimester can an ultrasound determine the position of the fetus?
Second trimester
What is Listeria? How can it affect Pregnancy?
Listeria is a chemical found in deli meats, Consuming deli meats during pregnancy could potentially cause a miscarriage.
What is the cause of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is caused by an excessive consumption of alcohol by the mother during pregnancy.
In what case does a X-Linked Recessive Gene with a mutation show symptoms of a disorder in a person?
If a male has the mutated X gene, because males only have one X, only one X is necessary to present symptoms.
Why does chorionic villus sampling test from the placenta?
Same cells as baby