Trimester 1 | Trimester 2 | Trimester 3 |
True or false? You find out your due date during your first trimester.
True or false? You can listen to your baby's heartbeat.
What are some questions you will be asked?
Asked if you have any contractions, bleeding, or leakage of fluid
True or false? They check your blood type
Are you able to feel movement?
How often should you visit the doctor during your 3rd trimester?
Every 2-4 weeks but closer to delivery you should go every week
Why do you do lab tests on your first visit?
Detect your exposure to infections and how imune you are to them, and see if you have any deficiencies and if they can affect the baby.
What is something that begins to ease during the second trimester?
Morning sickness
What happens if your baby remains in a breach position?
Discuss a C-section delivery
What are some of the things you talk about with your doctor on your first visit?
Your medical history, different medications you take (if you take any), your lifestyle
What are some screenings and tests that may be offered?
Genetic testing, blood tests, & ultra sounds
What position is the baby supposed to be in for the 3rd trimester?
Head first in the uterus
what are some normal discomforts during the first trimester?
nausea & swollen breasts
How do they track the babies growth?
By measuring from the pubic bone to the top of the uterus
What is something you're expected to be screened for?
Strep throat