Time Designations | Timelines | Paleolithic Era | Neolithic Age | Civilizations |
How many years are in a decade?
What is the time period before writing called?
Sticks and Stones
What were tools of hunter-gatherers?
What allowed permenant settlements to form?
What kind of religions did early civilizations have?
How many years are in a millenium?
On the left
On a HORIZONTAL timeline where do the older dates go?
Fire to cook food
Which technology had a major effect on how Paleolithic societies ate?
Permenent settlements
These began to form as nomads learned to use soil, water, seeds and animals and leter developed into civilzations.
What is a society with unique social, cultural, and political systems called?
How many years are in a century
What does circa mean?
What do you call people who move place to place in search of food?
What is it called when you have more food than you need?
Specialization of labor
A surplus of food allowed people to explore other jobs outside of farming, what is this called?
Before Common Era
What does BCE stand for?
If you need to find the amount of years between a BC/BCE date and an AD/CE what do you always have to do?
Hunt and gather
How did Paloelithic people get their food?
What is process of changing plants or animals to make them more useful called?
Social Classes
What is it called when people are organized into a heirarchy within a civilization?
What are time designations that are not religious called?
On the bottom
On a VERTICAL timeline where do older dates go?
Bartering Economy
What kind of economy uses trading of goods instead of money to get what you need?
Steady food supply
What was the greateast benefit to domestication and farming?
What was the first form of writing called?