Conception | Implantation | 1st Trimester. | 2nd Trimester. | 3rd Trimester |
Ovum and sperm unite.
What happens during conception?
The attachment of a
blastocyst to the endometrium is called? |
0-13 weeks.
How many weeks are in the first trimester?
13-26 weeks.
How long is the 2nd trimester?
27-40 weeks.
How long is the 3rd trimester?
Fallopian Tube
Where does fertilization occur?
Endometrial layer
About a week after ovulation, blastocyst snuggles up to the what?
Morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings.
What symptoms happen in the 1st trimester?
18-22 weeks.
In how many weeks, can you fully determine sex of
a fetus? |
Can a baby detect light and shapes during pregnancy? True or false.
12-24 hours.
within how many hours does the egg divide and travel down the fallopian tube towards the uterus?
Corpus luteum; human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
Hormones produced by
the ___ are responsible for maintaining the pregnancy during the first few months. The hormone responsible for preventing degeneration of the corpus luteum is ___ produced by the trophoblast. |
Heart, eyes, organ and structure development.
What developments happen with the fetus at the end of 12 weeks?
20-21 weeks
At what week do babies get a sucking reflex and nap as much as a newborn?
Shortness of breath, Braxton hicks, heart burn, spider veins, hemorrhoids, frequent urination.
What symptoms happen in the third trimester?
A high amount of sperm in the ejaculate is needed because only around ___ survive to enter reach the fertilization site.
The area where nutrients, gases, and wastes are exchanged, and also produce progesterone.
Direct transfer of nutrients, hormones, and wastes between mother and offspring.
What does the placenta and umbilical cord provide?
Arms, and can move their joints and limbs.
At week 15, legs are growing larger than ___ and can move their___
What organ last develops in a baby?
23 chromosomes from the egg and 23 chromosomes of the sperm join and they become a zygote. It begins a process of dividing by mitosis in a process called cleavage.
Once the sperm reaches the inside of the egg, it sheds its tail, and the two nuclei fuse. What happens next?
Ectopic pregnancy
Implantation anywhere outside the uterus is called an___
During the first trimester alone your baby starts out as a single fertilized cell called a ___
Week 18, 4 months left!
Fetus can fully hear at what week of pregnancy?
Week 29.
During what week of pregnancy can a fetus make grasping movements?