easy prefixes | suffixes | hard roots | hard prefixes and suffixes | |
What is into or not
what is the prefix of IN mean?
What is shape or form
what is the root of FORM mean?
What is a noun
what is the suffix of NESS mean
What is break or burst
what is the root of RUPT
What is against
what is the prefix of CONTRA mean?
What is wrong
what is the prefix of MIS mean?
What is to throw
what is the root of JECT mean?
What is able to
what is the suffix of ABLE mean?
What is to weave or make
what is the root of PLEX/PLIC/PLY mean?
What is down, away and break apart
what is the prefix of DE mean?
What is after
what is the prefix of POST mean?
What is to stand
what is the root of SIST mean?
What is person who
what is the suffix of IST
What is to hear
what is the root of AUD mean
What is the study of
what is the suffix of OLOGY mean?
What is across
what is the prefix of TRANS mean?
What is to do or make
what is the root of ACT mean
What is adverb
what is the suffix of LY mean
What is to push or drive
what is the root of PEL/PULS mean?
What is comparing more than 2 things
what is the suffix of EST mean?
What is for or before
what is the prefix of PRO mean?
What is to run
what is the root of CUR mean?
What is without
what is the suffix of LESS mean?
What is to hold
what is the root of TENT/TEM/TIN/TINE/TAIN/TINU mean?
What is to go through
what is the prefix of PER