Contra, Counter, Anti | Ex | Re | Trans | Dictionary |
teacher check
Use a word with this prefix in a sentence
Teacher check answer
Give an example of one word using this prefix
What does this prefix mean?
Teacher check answer
Use a word with this prefix in a sentence
ABC order
In what order do we look words up in the dictionary
teacher check
Pick two (counter, contra, or anti) and give an example of a word fro each
What does this prefix mean?
Teacher check answer
Use a word with this prefix in a sentence
Teacher check answer
Name 2 words that use this prefix
definition, part of speech, how to say the word, syllables, synonyms, the word
What are three things a dictionary shows us
What does these prefixes mean?
Teacher check answer
Use a word with this prefix in a sentence
Teacher check answer
Give 3 examples of words using this prefix
What is the definition of this prefix
How many syllables are in "Niedermeier"