Trans- / Re- | Ex- / Pre- | Cir- , Circum- | Sub- | Super- / Sur- |
Teacher check answer
What is one word with the prefix "trans-?"
What does the prefix "ex-" mean?
around, circular
What does the prefix "cir-" mean?
Teacher check answer
Name a word with the prefix "sub-."
above, over
What does this prefix mean?
What is the meaning of the prefix "trans-?"
What does the prefix "pre-" mean?
distance around a circle
What does the word circumference mean?
What does the prefix "sub-" mean?
Teacher check answer
Name a word with the prefix "super-"
What is the meaning of the prefix "re-?"
Teacher check answer
What is one word that has the prefix "ex-?"
Teacher check answer
Name a word with the prefix "cir-" or "circum-."
Teacher check answer
Use a word with the prefix "sub-" in a sentence.
Teacher check answer
Make up a sentence with one word with this prefix
Teacher check answer
What is one word with the prefix "re-?"
Teacher check answer
What is one word that has the prefix "pre-?"
Teacher check answer
Use a word with the prefix "cir-" or "circum-" in a sentence?
below zero temperatures
What does the word "subarctic" mean?
The superintendent is above all of the teachers in the county.
Define the word superintendent using the prefix definition
Teacher check answer
Make up a sentence with one word with the prefix "trans-" and one word with the prefix "re-."
Teacher check answer
Make up a sentence with one word with the prefix "pre-" and one word with the prefix "ex-?"
Teacher check answer
Name a word with the prefix "cir-" or "circum-" and give us the meaning of the word.
Teacher check answer
Name a word with the prefix "sub-" and give us the meaning of the word.
Teacher check answer
Use the word superintendent in a sentence