Procedures | Health Topics | Forms | Policies |
What is Recruitment and In-kind?
Everyone's responsibility
What is an accident/incident report?
Turn in as soon as it happens
What is in-kind form?
Document volunteer activities
What is Child Abuse/ Neglect?
Mandated Reporter
What is eligibility?
6 weeks to school age
What is medication administration?
Only certified staff can give medication
What is daily classroom safety checklist?
Whether electrical outlets are covered in classroom and bathrooms are documented on
What is Exclusion of Sick Employees Policy?
Must stay home if you have symptoms such as severe coughing, pinworm, strep throat, pink eye, etc.
What is funded enrollment?
What is sanitizing?
Removing and lowering numbers of germs to a safe level
What is professional development plan?
Developed within 1 month of returning to work or beginning employment
What is Dual Language Policy?
Staff will engage an support children's bilingual and bicultural development and their families.
What is Civil Rights?
Everyone must be treated equally
What is the lock down code?
Orange bus broke down
What is daily playground checklist?
Whether all outdoor equipment, sandbox, and fences are free of splinters, rough surfaces, sharp edges, loose or broken parts and protrusions such as nuts and bolts are documented on
What is Hazard Communication Policy?
Must maintain a Material Safety Data Sheet Notebook.
What is And Justice For All Poster?
According to Civil Rights it must be posted in a visible location for everyone to see
What is a fire drill?
Practiced monthly
What is employee expense reimbursement form?
Keep track of mileage on
What is Positive Guidance Policy?
Forbids the use of corporal punishment and any isolation as guidance methods.