Facts | True or False | In our classrooms... |
Children who live in poverty perform substantially _______in school than students who do not live in poverty
Poverty affects a child's educational performance
Advocates, supporters, etc.
As teachers we should be what for ALL of our students?
ample food, basic school supplies, warm clothing, supportive parent relationships...
Children who live in poverty do not have access to many basic necessities, name ONE
FALSE, more than 16 million children live in poverty in the US
It is estimated that 5 million children in the United States alone live in poverty
Offer after school help, reduce the length of daily assignments, assign the child a classroom buddy, send home resources students may not have access to at home...
Name ONE way we, as teachers, can support student's (who are living in poverty) homework completion
Funding, and schools that don't have adequate income struggle to meet standards, its a vicious cycle!
What is one of the biggest obstacles to school's meeting state standards? (think green!)
FALSE, poverty rates are higher among Hispanics and African Americans
Poverty is equally distributed throughout races
Implement classroom routines, daily circles, encourage open communication...
How can we create a calm, predictable classroom environment for all students?