theoretical perspectives Social structures Founders Conducting Research Challenges facing us today
What is functionalism
these explanations hold that social phenomena persist if they contribute to social stability
What is social structures
stable patterns of social relations
Who is Auguste Comte
coined the term sociology
What is an experiment
A carefully controlled artificial situation that allows researchers to isolate hypothesized causes and measure their effects precisely
What is post industrial revolution
The technology-driven shift from manufacturing to service industries and the consequences of that shift for virtually all human activities
What is the conflict perspective
this explanation highlights the tensions underlying existing social arrangements
What is microstructures
patterns of social relations formed during face- to- face interaction
Who is Emile Durkheim
He argued that human behavior is influenced by "social facts"
What is randomization
an experiment which involves assigning individuals to experimental and control groups by chance processes
What is globalization
The process by which formerly separate economies, states, and cultures are being tied together and people are becoming increasingly aware of their growing interdependence
What is symbolic interactionism
a perspective that examines how various aspects of social life, convey meaning and thereby assist or impede communication
What is mesostructures
Patterns of social relations in organizations that involve people who are not usually intimately acquainted and who often do not interact face- to-face
Who is Robert Merton
He proposed that social structures may have different consequences for different groups
What is dependent variable
the presumed effect in a cause-and effect relationship
What is public policy
involves the creation of laws and regulations by organizations and governments
What is feminism
gender is the main focus of this perspective
What is the scientific revolution
It encouraged the view that sound conclusions about the workings of society must be based on solid evidence, not just speculation
Who is Karl Marx
He argued that owners of industry are eager to improve the way work is organized and to adopt new tools to produce more efficiently
What is reliability
the degree to which a measurement procedure yields consistent results
What is social solidarity
A property of social groups that increases with the degree to which a groups members share beliefs and values and the frequency and intensity with which they interact
What is gender
one's sense of being masculine or feminine as conventionally defined by society
What is the sociological imagination
The quality of mind that enables one to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures
Who is W.E.B. DuBois
His best known work was the Philadelphia Negro
What is validity
The degree to which a measure actually measures what it is intended to measure
What is anomic suicide
The type of suicide that occurs when norms governing behavior are vaguely defined

Poverty and economic inequality

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