Post Partum | Post Partum Cont. | Newbs | Newbs Cont. | Babies |
What are ibuprofen and oxycodone?
Two appropriate pain medications for a breast feeding postpartum mother.
What is Pitocin/oxytocin?
Give this med intramuscularly if the uterus remains "boggy".
What is suck-swallow-breath?
A newborn will use this pattern to eat effectively.
What is the NIPS scale?
Use this scale to assess the pain level of a newborn.
What is 10%?
The maximal amount of newborn weight loss acceptable at time of discharge.
Who is the newborn?
Vitamin K is given intramuscularly following delivery to prevent hemorrhage of this patient.
What is placental site?
An open _______ leaves a postpartum mother at risk for hemorrhage (priority) and infection (less critical).
What are dry the babies head, put on a hat, and skin to skin with mother.
These are two interventions to promote newborn thermoregulation.
What is maintain a temperature of 98 degrees for two hours?
A baby can have their first bath after they have met this criteria.
What is have three layers, or two layers and a blanket?
If the mother is comfortable with two layers of clothing, the newborn should:
What is at the level of the umbilicus?
Where a nurse expect to palpate the fundus immediately following delivery.
What is empty the bladder?
This should be done by the mother every 2-3 hours after delivery to allow the uterus to contract.
What is 24-48 hours and dark green?
A neonates first bowel movement should occur within ____ hours and will likely be _____ in color.
What is apnea?
A newborn's breathing is likely to be irregular but a pause of 20 seconds or more indicates this.
What are hunger, pain/illness, coldness, loneliness, and discomfort/wet diaper?
Babies cry for these five reasons.
What is 7?
Calculate the LATCH score. A neonate is actively sucking an inverted nipple and audibly swallowing frequently. The mother receives minimal assistance from staff and has some bruising and redness to her breasts.
What is platelet count?
A common elevation in this lab result increases a mothers risk for thrombi formation.
What is every 3-4 hours?
A formula fed baby will eat this often.
What is a low blood glucose level?
A jittery baby raises alarm for this.
What is infection?
A low newborn temperature may indicate this.
What is the uterus returning to its pre-pregnant size?
The end of involution is indicated by this finding.
What is postpartum hemmorhage?
Saturation of 1 peri pad in less than 15 minutes indicates this.
What is flat on their back?
This is the best position to leave a baby in the bassinet.
What is 13?
Physiologic jaundice is indicated in a 3 day old neonate for a Bhutani score of ____ or higher.
What are the right hand and lower extremity?
An O2 saturation in these two locations should have a difference of 3% or less.