Science and Technology Global Economic Delevopment Global Security Terrorism Cultures Blend
What is the International Space Station
When the United States and Russia merged their individual space prgrams
What are emerging nations
These nations are in the proccess of being industrailized
What is proliferation
This is the spread of nuclear weapons to other nations
What is 9/11
This terrorist attack occured in NYC targeting the Pentagon and the World Trade Center
What is global interdependance
Econimic, political and enviromental issues bringing all nations closer together is called _______ ________
What is the internet
A linkage of computer networks that is useful for businesses and individuals starting in the 1990's
What are developed nations
Nations with industrialization, transportation and buissiness facilities for advanced production of manufactured goods
What is the Universal Declaratilon of Human Rights
a document that set human rights standards for all nations in 1948
What is terrorism
The use of violence against people or property to force changes in societies or goverments
What is mass media
Newspapers, Television, and the internet allowing information to get out quickly
What is genetic engineering
Scientists are able to introduce new genes into organisms that creates new traits
What is global economy
All financial interactions among people, buissinesses, and governments that cross international borders.
What is political dissent
The differnece of opinion over political issues
What is the Department of Homeland Security
Created in 2002, this department has the responsibility to coordinate national efforts against terrorism
What is globalization
A proccess that makes something world wide in its reach or operation, most often used in refrence to the spread and diffusion of economic or cultural influences
What is the green revolution
An attempt to increase food production using fertilizers, pesticides, and disease-resistant strains
What is free trade
a major aspect of globalization, the elimination of trade barriers among nations such as tariffs alsoknown as _____ ________.
Who is Mother Teresa
This woman recieved a Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for devoting her life to help indias poor.
What is cyberterrorism
Politically motivated attacks on information systems like hacking into computer networks, spam, and viruses
What is popular culture
___ ________ incorperates features from many different lands all around the world
What is July 17, 1975
The U.S. and Soviet docked the spacecraft in 140 miles above Earth in orbit on __________
What is sustainable growth
(Also known as greener growth) an attemp to meet current economic standards while ensuring economic preservation
What are refugees
People who leave their home countries and move to another to find saftey
What is the US Patriot Act
This act allows the government to tap all phones used by suspects and monitor their e-mail and internet use. Also allows the procecution of terrorist crimes without time restrictions
What is materialism
This is the Western mindset of placing high value on material possesions

Post-War World

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