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White, southern democrats who opposed civil rights
What are dixiecrats?
Strom Thurmond
Who led the dixiecrats?
new cars, tvs,
What were new inventions that came out?
leisure time
What did people have more time for?
“The good things in life”
What did professional jobs allow people to buy?
When the war ended and prosperity returned, the number of births soared
What’s the baby boom?
Jack Kerouac
Give an example of a beatnik.
the suburbs.
Where did everyone move to?
What became huge?
Company that offers similar products or service in many locations.
Define franchise?
Rising prices
What’s inflation?
President Truman
What president was pro civil rights?
Low income housing.
Why did everyone move to the suburbs?
Businesses make products that will either break or sooner become out dated
What is planned obsolescence?
Cheap living, affordable housing
What was good about housing developments?
An index based on the amount of goods, services, and leisure time people have
What does standard of living mean?
President Eisenhower
Who was president after Truman?
The American dream
What did people look for?
Americans buying TV’s, record players, bbq grills, pools, and lawn decorations.
What did more leisure time mean for Americans?
"be conservative with money, but liberal with money”
Define modern republican?
A community outside the city
What’s a suburb?
Nikita Khrushchev
Who ruled after Stalin died?
high speed, long haul trucking possible, noise and exhaust.
What was one positive and negative effect of cars?
Diners club cards, American Express
What were 2 installment plans?
Richard Nixon, where he denied taking any money from Eisenhower’s campaign
What was the checker speech and who gave it?