Behavioral Modification Therapy Client Centered Therapy Play Therapy
Who is Edward L. Thorndike.
This person was the first to use the term "Behavioral Modification in his 1911 Book "Animal Intelligence"
Who is Carl Rogers?
He coined the term “person centered therapy” to describe a therapy technique in which the therapist takes on the role of a caring and nurturing partner who guides the patient to be the most complete and happy person they can be
Who is Anna Freud.
This person is considered to be the founder of what is today known as Play Therapy.
Who is Ivan Pavlov
This physiologists experiments would lay the foundation for Thorndike and many other behaviorists.
Who is Abraham Maslow?
The founder of Person Centered Therapy drew influence from this persons hierarchy of needs.
What is Play Therapy?
this therapy uses play (toys, drawing, pretending) to work through behavioral and mental disorders and to learn how to handle situations and communicate in appropriate ways that are fitting to the situation.
What are three common tools used in behavioral modification.
Token Economy, Premack Principle and positive reinforcement are all examples of this.
What is Humanism?
This philosophical movement most heavily influenced the creation of Client Centered Therapy.
Who are the mentally handicapped?
Play Therapy is most often used with children but may also be used to treat this group of people.
What is Behavioral Modification Therapy.
developmental disabilities, rehabilitation, business and industry, self-management, child management parenting, sports, health psychology, and behavioral medicine are all applications of this type of therapy.
What is Positive Pyschology?
Influenced by Humanism, and the work of Maslow and Rogers, this modern school of psychology believes that the goal of psychology is to help us achieve our fullest potential.
What is Non Directive Play Therapy.
This type of Play Therapy likens play to free association and allows the child to work through their own problems and find their own solutions.

Post Freudian Therapies

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