Hallway | Playground | Restroom | Bus | classroom |
What is the front.
What direction should I be facing when in the hallway?
What is bring it back in.
If I take something out at recess I should?
What is inside 2, hallway 0
What is the voice level in the restroom?
What is bus driver.
I should always listen to the?
What is completed & turned in on time.
My classroom assignments should be?
What is the right.
What side of the hallway should I walk on?
What is 4 or 5
The voice level at recess is?
What is return to class quickly.
I am motivated when I?
What is back to back, bottom to bottom - back & bottom both touching the seat
I should sit?
What is stay properly seated in my chair.
To be safe I should?
What is zero
What is the voice level?
What is quickly & quietly lining up.
When recess is over I can be an achiever by?
What is 4.
How many students can safely use the restroom at a time?
What is 2
The bus voice level is a?
What is ask for help.
According to our PBS matrix, a motivated student will?
What is keep to self.
What should I do with my hands & feet?
What is active.
I am motivated at recess when I am?
What is washing with soap & water & using the hand dryer?
I clean my hands after using the restroom by?
What is with me & out of the aisle.
My belongings should be?
What is raise my hand, wait to be called on, & be a good listener.
I am respectful when I?
What is stop.
What should I do when I see a red, octagon sign?
What is share, take turns, follow directions, and include others.
I am respectful at recess when I?
What is giving other privacy or flushing.
I can be respectful in the restroom by?
What is watch for my stop.
I am a motivated bus rider when I?
What is Are kept to myself.
In my classroom my hands & feet?