Develop a Positive Attitude | Develop Self-esteem | Working Well with Others | Accepting Criticism | Work stress and Others |
What is Attitude
Your basic outlook on life and your way of looking at the people and the world
What is Self-esteem
Presenting your idea in a positive way shows
What is Being assertive
Being direct, honest, and polite
What is Constructive Criticism
Criticism presented in a way that can help you learn
What is Gossip
Talking negative behind someones back
What is Positive Thinking
The best way to maintain a positive attitude
What is setting goals
Helps build self-esteem
What is Professionalism
Ability to handle problems, criticism and pressure gracefully and maturely
What is Defensive
Being closed to other peoples opinions about you or your actions
What is Anger
Controlling ____ helps people get along with you
What is Receptive
Being open to people around you
What is Positive Attitude
What is essential to building a high self-esteem
What is Arrogant
Can be considered rude and impolite
What is clarity
To get a better understanding of criticism
Managing _______ is important in the work place
What is Perceive
How people ____ you based of your attitude
What is Positive Self Talk
A way to get rid of negative self doubt
What is Arrogance
Overbearing Behavior
What is Refusing to listen
Defensive often includes
What is Untrue
Gossip is often ____
What is Positive Way
Present your idea in a ______ way
What is Accept Responsibility
One way to learn from your mistakes
What is Assert Yourself
Ask questions, use positive language, and speak with confidence
What is Find solution
Ways to learn from criticism
What is take deep breathes
One way to control anger