Still gotta chance

Definitions Determinants Interventions Disparities COVID-19
This term refers to the health outcomes of a group of individuals, and the distribution of such outcomes within a group.
What is E?
Premature mortality = total number of deaths before life expectancy (i.e. <78yo in the US) also includes environmental/toxic exposures.
The following determinants of health contribute to premature mortality in the US: a. behavioral patterns, b. genetics, c. social circumstances, d. medical care, e. all of the above.
What is E?
Mail-in ballots, hospital or med school communication directors, collaborating with legal clinics e.g. to help with rental maint. to prevent asthma flares can all help!
Busy clinicians can improve health through
a. voting, b. writing an op-ed, c. speaking with local govt reps, d. medical-legal partnerships, e. all of the above
What is TRUE?
Deaths are higher in African-American and LatinX populations in CA, likely due to disparities e.g. inability to work from home, lack of sick leave/benefits, essential front-line work
T or F:
In CA, African Americans represent 6% of COVID-19 deaths although they make up only 2% of the population. LatinX comprise 33% of COVID-19 deaths in CA, even though they make up 1/4 of the population.
Specifically, social distancing, masks, hand-washing
This is the term that refers to methods to reduce transmission of COVID-19 that does not rely on medication/vaccine development, is lower-tech, but relies on behaviors and collaboration.
This is the degree to which individuals have the capacity to understand basic health info in order to make health care decisions
What is D?
Lack of access to care, delays in dx/tx, medical errors cause 11% of premature deaths in the US.
MEDICAL CARE (i.e. errors/delays) is responsible for what proportion of premature mortality in the US? a. 60%, b. 40%, c. 25%, d. 10%, e. 5%
What is (any of the following:)
teach-back method, using simple ratios (3/1000 vs 0.3%,) written/verbal/visual communication, advanced directives (California) with more visuals (Sudore et al.)
This is one example of improving communication by considering patients' HEALTH LITERACY (multiple possible answers, pls give 1 example)
What is E?
In boroughs in New York (5 total in NYC) zip codes with highest proportion of minorities, poverty, and overcrowding had highest rates of COVID-19 deaths.
These may be some of the risk factors for COVID-19 that are more prevalent among African American and LatinX communities: a. overcrowding (<1room/person,) b. lack of control over work/ability to work from home, c. front-line essential work (lower paid,) d. multigenerational living, e. all of the above
What is (any of the following:) wearing masks, social distancing, using signs/clapping/kneeling instead of yelling/singing, meeting outside rather than indoors
This method of protesting may lower risk of COVID-19 transmission or exposure at rallies (name one of multiple possible methods:)
What is C?
This is the range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health outcomes: (choose 1:) a. health disparity, b. health equity, c. determinant of health, d. implicit bias, e. population health
This is a determinant affects health outcomes through "man-made surroundings that contribute to behaviors or exposures" e.g. walkability, food deserts, safe spaces for physical activity
What is SUD (etoh, tob, illicit screening;) Heart (DM, hyperlipid, HTN;) ID (HIV,TB,HCV,GC/CT, syphillis;) Mental Health (depression/bipolar;) IPV (if know resources)
Screening recommendations for homeless individuals are slightly different than for the general US population. This is 1 category of screening that differs (hint: SHIMI acronym, name 1 of those categories)
What is RE-ENTRY?
Compared to the general population, individuals leaving incarceration had 13 times higher odds of dying in the first 14days after reentry. Overdose, suicide, violence dominate so integrated reentry clinics offer medical care/restarting MediCaid, soc services, legal, mental health, and housing support but are rare.
This is the term that describes a process of re-integration from incarceration to the community, often a high-risk time for former prisoners.
What is (any of the following:)
>12ft/indiv at congregate housing (e.g. shelters, resid rehab,) mass testing at any encampment >10 indiv, accelerate affordable housing construction, reassigning staff to supportive housing at hotels/motels/RV for 1000 individuals
This is 1 of the interventions local counties have tried to reduce COVID-19 transmission and death among homeless individuals in Santa Clara county as of May 2020.
What is (any of the following:) voting, writing, showing up (in white coat) at rallies, informing/meeting with policy-makers to elucidate research/offer anecdotes, use teach-back methods to clarify communication, other?
These are examples of how MDs can impact health outcomes (outside the hospital/clinic.)

Pop health COVID19 Disparities

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