Who is this pollinator? Bees Butterflies All about Pollination
What is a hummingbird
These birds love to drink sugar water from bird feeders. They love flowers with long tubes that hold nectar. Who are these pollinators?
What is the honey bee
This bee species lives in large hives and makes our honey. Answer: Honey Bee
What are Moths or Butterflies
What will all caterpillars grow up to be?
What is Nectar
What is the name of the sweet flower liquid bees and wasps feed on?
What is a Black Eyed Susan or Rudbeckia
The common or latin of Maryland's state flower is?
What are moths
These small pollinators are in the same family of butterflies, but fly at night and have to watch out for hungry bats. Who are they?
What is false
True or false: Most types of bees live in large colonies hives?
What is a Comma, or a Question Mark butterfly
Name a butterfly with a name that also refers to punctuation?
What is a fruit or nut/seed
What will a flower turn into after it is pollinated?
What is clover
This common lawn flower is a prize pollinator flower for honey bees.
What are beetles
These pollinators are clumsy flyers and prefer to crawl from flower to flower. What type of insect are these?
What is Bee Bread
Solitary bees use a mixture of honey and pollen for their newly hatched larvae. This food is called:
What is a monarch butterfly
Which butterfly uses the milkweed plant as it's host for egg-laying and caterpillar growth?
What are petals
What is the part of the flower that creates a landing pad for bees and butterflies to land on?
What is a rhododendrun
This common plant is often confused with Mountain Laurel when not in bloom
What is the wind
Some plants, like wheat don't require an insect to move their pollen. What do they rely on instead?
What are sweat bees
This type of bee is metallic green and is attracted to the salt in human perspiration.
What is the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly
Maryland's state butterfly is the:
What is one in three bites or 1/3
How much of our food comes from plants pollinated by insects?
What is the tulip poplar
This Maryland native tree has yellow and orange cup-like flowers that bloom in early spring and are a favorite of honey bees.
What is a Bumble Bee
This bee type "sings" to particular flowers to get them to release their pollen:
What is400
How many species of bees live in Maryland?
What is through a long proboscis shaped like a straw to sip nectar from flowers
How does a butterfly drink nectar?
What is the stamen
This part of the flower produces the pollen:
What is the Pink Lady Slipper Orchid
This rare Maryland flower has a symbiotic relationship with a fungus in the soil. As the plant begins to grow, the fungus sends the seedlings nutrients, and when the plant is mature, the fungus will extract nutrients from the plant's roots.

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