Attendance and Missed/Late work Policy | Grading Polcy | The Gordon Rule | Academic Dishonesty Policy |
Students are expected to be present how many days ?
Every day.
What percent of your grades is for assighnments?
The Gordon Rule requires each AA degree program student to complete how many college-level mathematics credits?
6 credits
If a suspicion of plagiarism arises, the instrcutor shall have a conference with the student within how many days?
5 days
What does a "w" stand for when students are dropped from a course?
What percent of your grade is for quizzes?
How many english smester hours are required to be completed by an AA program degree student?
6 hours
How many attemts is the Polk State College student given to pass a college class?
3 attempts
After the withdrawal period, excessive absences will result in what letter grade?
What percent of your grade is for reflections?
What is the minimum grade required for courses to pass?
Is the availability of technology at Polk State College a privilege?
Where must all missed work for excused absences be completed at?
At school after school or at home.
What percent of your grade is for College and Career projects?
Where are the two Polk State College campus loacetd at ?
Lakeland and Winter Haven
How can the way you use technology suspend the privilege of technology use?
Inappropiate use
How many days do you have for every one day of absence to turn in work?
Two days for every one day.
What is the grading scale for an 'F' ?
(for example, an A's grading scale is from 90-100)
What does Polk state use to approach the writing requirement?
They use a "Writing across the curriculum"
What are two websites that can be used to check plagiarism? and