The Electoral Process | Influence of Media | Most Influential Interest Groups | Campaign Finance Law | Political Parties |
What is the plan where states would have 2 electors that represent each state as a whole
District Plan
What is the 30 second clips on TV to covey a message about an entire speech?
Sound Bites
What is the 4 ways interest groups can affect policy making?
Lobbying, electioneering, litigation and gaining public support
What is the committee formed by businesses on corporations on labor unions to make donations?
Political Action Committee (PAC's)
What is the term for ensuring a good performance of its candidate?
Bonding Agent
What is the plan where each candidate gets the same percentage of electoral votes as popular votes?
Proportional Plan
What is the events stages by a political candidate primarily for the purpose of being covered-often scripted and limited in whats reported?
Media events
What is the association that worked for safer working conditions and an 8 hour work day?
What is the commission that oversees and enforces campaign finance regulations?
Federal Election Commission
What is the term for criticizing a political party in power?
Watch Dog
What is the plan where the winner of the citizens popular vote is declared president?
Direct Popular Plan
What is the term for the focusing on polling data and public perception rather can candidates policies?
Horse-Race Coverage
What is the biggest organization spender?
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
What is the group that raised unlimited soft money for voter registration, issue advocacy, but not for a specific candidate?
527 Groups
What is the process of nominating candidates for each public office and support them winning?
Nominating Function
What is the name of the branch of government that makes a decision of president if no candidate reaches 270?
The House of Representatives
What is the key linkage institution between the people and policy makers?
Mass Media
What is the committee that imposed tougher sanctions on Iraq and bolstered security assistance in Israel in the past 15 years?
American Israel Public Affairs Committee
What is the social welfare organizations that may participate in political activities, tax exempt groups, and politics cant be the primary purpose?
501 (c)4
What is the process where candidates are usually selected based on what party they represent?
What is the name for the people who expected electors to vote for a candidate they believed would be best?
What is the term when the media choose to talk about specific information that people receive?
Public Agenda
What is the association that lobbied against stricter gun control measures?
National Rifle Association
What is the influence on advantages, who votes, information voters receive, and public perception within democracy?
What is the process of inform and inspire voters within a political party?
Informing/Activating supporters