Definitions | Power and Authority | Social Control and Management | Societies |
Warfare or War
What is A formally organized and culturally recognized pattern of collective violence directed toward other societies, or between segments within a larger society called?
Power is the ability to impose one's will on others while authority is the socially approved use of power.
How does power differ from authority?
Ridicule, criticism, avoidance, gossip, disguest, mockery, public humiliation
Name two of the ways of Informal Social Control
Are the leaders usually elders in band societies?
DeviantsWhat are those who transgress society's rules called?
Through personal characteristics such as honor, status, knowledge, ability, respect and/ or the holding of formal public office.
How can authority be achieved?
Laws, Law Enforcement, Justice System
Name the three formal control systems:
It redistributes wealth and stimulates or discourages types of production.
What does taxation do?
Stratified Society
What is a society characterized by formal, permanent social and economic inequality in which some people are denied access to basic resources called?
Through material profit, prestige, altruism, or survival
How can decisions and activities by some groups be motivated?
Parents/ Family, Peers/Friends, Bosses/ Co-Workers, Authority Figures, Street Signs, Advertising, Yourself
Name four out of the seven agents of control
Is warfare frequent in state societies?
What is Administrative hierarchy characterized by specialization of function and fixed rules called?
What example did we use for revolution?
"mechanisms of social control by which rules or law prohibit deviant criminal behavior." or something to that effect
Define Formal Social Control
Through public contests involving physical action.
How do band societies solve conflicts?
What is Lacking a government head or chief called?
How they use power to maintain themselves
What does the political organization of a society tell us?
Brings change in one form or another.
What does conflict do?
Melanesia and New Guinea
Where in the world do they use bigmen?