Washington's Presidency | Political Parties | Adams Presidency | Jefferson's Presidency | Miscelleneous |
Imposing taxes was a way to raise money so that the government could pay its war debts from the American Revolution.
Why did the government impose taxes on whiskey?
Democratic Republican
What is the name of the political party that supported the French Revolution and opposed the national bank?
Sedition Act
What Act made it a crime to say anything bad about the government or president?
15 million
What is the amount of money Jefferson paid Napoleon (The French) for the Louisiana Territory?
The Lewis and Clark Expedition
What is the name of the expedition sent out by Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory?
John Adams
Who was Washington's Vice President?
The Democratic Republicans
What is the name of the political party that believed in strict interpretation of the Constitution and supported common farmers and immigrants?
Alien Act
Which Act made it harder for an immigrant to become a citizen with the right to vote?
Sally Hemmings
What is the name of the slave mistress Jefferson had children with?
As Secretary of State and 3rd President
What are two ways Jefferson served the nation?
Live in the White House
Washington is the only president to never?
Democratic Republicans
What is the name of the political party Thomas Jefferson was a member of?
Marbury vs. Madison
What is the name of the case that established Judicial Review?
The D.O.I.
What is the name of the famous document Jefferson wrote that helped start the American Revolution?
Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied with 73 Electoral votes each
What was the initial outcome of the election of 1800? What were the electoral vote counts?
Mr. President
What is the title Washington wanted to be referred to during his presidency?
What is the name of the political party John Adams was a member of?
Review by the US Supreme Court of the constitutional validity of a legislative act.
What is udicial review?
Benjamin Bannekar
What is the name of the African American astronomer, surveyor and inventor that wrote Jefferson about the issue of slavery?
Added over 800,000 sq miles and doubled the size of the country.
What did the Louisiana Purchase do to the size of the country?
Serving only two terms
What is the most important precedent set by Washington?
He warned against the formation of political parties and foreign entanglements (involvement in foreign issues/conflicts in Europe)
What were the two main things George Washington warned about in his Farewell Address?
How were the three French agents who demanded bribes from American representatives were referred?
Strict constructionist/ interpretation of the Constitution
What belief did Jefferson abandon to justify the purchase of the Louisiana Territory?
Because it lengthened the time required for an immigrant to become a citizen and immigrants typically supported the Democratic Republicans
Why did Federalist support the Alien Acts?