terms and definitions | terms and definitions | terms and definitions | Applying terms and definitions | Write your own line |
The art of expressing one’s thoughts in verse.
The overall main point/message the author is trying to make about life or human nature.
Words whose sounds suggest their meaning—they sound like what they are!
C. Imagery and simile
Which poetry techniques do you see in the following:
What happens to a dream deferred?/Does it Dry up/ like a raisin in the sun? A. Personification and simile B. Alliteration and metaphor C. Imagery and simile D. Personification and alliteration |
Does your line include a figure of speech that compares two unlike items using like or as?
Write a line of verse with a simile.
A foot consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Each foot contains two syllables.
Rhyme Scheme
Patterns of end rhymes. (ABAB, AABB, AABBCC, etc.)
A figure of speech that compares two unlike items using like or as.
b a b
What is the rhyme scheme for the following:
I eat my peas with honey I've done it all my life It makes my peas taste funny but it keeps them on my knife |
Does your line include the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words?
Write a line of verse using alliteration.
A figure of speech in which one item is said to be another in comparison. The two items are often unlike each other in reality.
Free Verse
Lines that are not measured or counted. An open form of poetry. Does not follow a rhyme scheme. When spoken aloud, it can sound like prose.
The general quality, effect, or attitude an author has toward the subject of the literature.
D. Personification and alliteration
Which poetry techniques do you see in the following:
The clock looks and laughs loudly at me as I sit in class. A. Personification and simile B. Alliteration and metaphor C. Imagery and rhyme scheme D. Personification and alliteration |
Does your line give human qualities or character traits to non-human subjects or objects?
Write a line of verse using personification.
The ordinary language people speak and write.
Giving human qualities or character traits to non-human subjects or objects.
Descriptive and concrete phrases that appeal to the senses: sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste; the phrase creates a picture in the mind.
A. Imagery and simile
Which poetry techniques do you see in the following:
The children stood like so many stakes driven into the ground. A. Imagery and simile B. Simile and personification C. Imagery and onomatopoeia D. Alliteration and metaphor |
Does your line have a descriptive and concrete phrase that appeals to the sense: sight (the phrase creates a picture in the mind)?
Write a line of verse using imagery of sight.
Same or similar sounds at the end of two or more words.
The rhythmic measure of a line of verse. It is measured by a “foot,” which is a set of syllables, stressed and unstressed. These make the beat of the poem.
Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words.
C. Metaphor and personification
Which poetry techniques do you see in the following:
Rage, a shaken soda, waiting to explode. A. Personification and simile B. Imagery and simile C. Metaphor and personification D. Metaphor and onomatopoeia |
Does your line have a descriptive and concrete phrase that appeals to the sense: smell (the phrase creates a picture in the mind)?
Write a line of verse using imagery of smell.