Stages of Change | Recovery | Relapse Prevention | True or Flase | Random |
What is relapse
Returning to older behaviors and abandoning the new changes)
What is barriers
__________ will make maintaining my recovery difficulty
What is an addiction
If you have difficulty controlling how much you use/how long you use or you continue to use even though it has negative consequences to your life.- you might have a ________
What is false
I am powerless to prevent drinking/drug use or gambling because it runs in my family.
What is coping skills
Physical activities, meditation, volunteering, hobbies, exercise, games, journaling, support groups, sponsors...etc This are examples of what?
What is relapse
Not yet acknowledging that there is a problem behavior that needs to be changed
What is behavior
Thoughts and emotions play a major role in determining my __________
What is a relapse
A return to the use of a drug after attempting to stop.
What is flase
Slipping means that I have totally lost control or cannot recover.
What is Sponsor
This person is a guide, a mentor, and a fellow recovering addict, who volunteers their time to help a newcomer in the 12-step program.
What is preparation
Getting ready to change
What is denial and loos of control
____ and ____ are two behaviors I need to be aware of to remain sober.
What is H.A.L.T
This is hungry, angry, lonely or tired.
What is false
Talking about relapse makes it happen.
What is inhalants
These chemical products are misused to give the user a drug-like effect, and can cause lasting physical damage.
What is contemplation
Acknowledging that there is a problem but not yet ready or sure of wanting to make a change
What is communication
I must ________ with others if am going to be successful in my recovery
What is internal and external
what are the type types of triggers?
What is false
People relapse because bad things happen to them.
What is Heroin
This illegal substance is made from the white, milky liquid exuded from the opium poppy.
What is action
Changing behavior
What is full time
Recovery is a ________ job
What is withdrawal
This happens when a user stops using or gives up a physical addiction.
What is false
If I have an urge for one drug or one bet, switching to another drug will ease the craving.
What is alcohol
This drug causes side effects such as malnutrition, cancer of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, and birth defects.