Complete the sentence... | Class of Drugs | What percent | Defense mechanisms | True or False |
What is an intervention
An ___________ is an orchestrated attempt by one or many people – usually family and friends – to get someone to seek professional help with an addiction or some kind of traumatic event or crisis, or other serious problem.
What is a stimulant
What is 50%
What % of Americans believe taking prescription drugs is safer than using illegal drugs?
What is denial
"I don't have a problem with drugs."
What is false
Opiate withdrawal will kill you
What is inpatient
A ________ is a form of treatment where the patient lives in a recovery facility
What is a depressant
What is 18%
Herion accounted for what % of admissions for drug and alcohol treatment in the USA?
What is justification
"I know I got drunk and made a fool of myself last night but here's why..."
What is true
Opium was replaced by morphine which was replaced by heroin which was then replaced by methadone
What is a detox facility
A __________ is a place where individuals so to rid themselves of drugs left in their body
What is a depressant
What is 40%
What % of Americans will try marijuana before their teenage years are over?
What is blaming
"If my wife was nice, I wouldn't need to drink anymore"
What is true
Marijuana is considered a gateway drug
What is self help
AA and NA are continued _____________ groups
What is a stimulant
What is 55%
What % of Americans start using because of peer pressure?
What is diversion
"Yeah I used drugs last night. Whats for dinner?
What is false
After a significant amout of clean time, you will be able to use the same amount or more at your next use?
What is a relapse
A __________ in recovery happens when a person returns back to their old habit/addictive behavior
What is a hallucinogen
What is 40%
In 2012, what % of Americans tested positive for marijuana at the time of their arrest?
What is bargaining
I'll quit smoking if you do"
What is true
Alcohol and marijuana are the most frequent substance found in drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents?