famous quotes | things that happened in this house | alcohol | Queens/SLC | Rhyme Time |
Marshawn Lynch
Im just here so I dont get fined
Soya Sauce
The _____ incident of december 1st
What is the most popular beer in america
The st lawrence _____ won the rugby championship(team name)
stupid cupid
Dumb god of love
Are you kidding me, that is number one bullshit
getting covid
is ______ ______ the play
long island iced tea
vodka, tequila, light rum, triple sec, gin, and a splash of cola gives you what
what two teams play in the carr harris cup
snake steak
Filet of cobra
Leo Dicaprio
"Let Me Give You A Little Legal Advice: Shut The fuck Up!"
sept 24th
The date of the pong party
what percent alcohol is kraken
what year was queens university founded
sandy candy
A Twix or Jolly Rancher after it's been dropped on the beach
barney stinson
Daddys home
What colour was our hoco sign
twisted coffee
What was my iconic hoco drink (it was good on god)
When was st lawrence college founded
rich witch
A wealthy sorceress
Michael Scott
“I’m an early bird and I’m a night owl so I’m wise and I have worms.”
how many hard alcohol bottles are above the fridge
bud light
which beer is associated with the term "dilly dilly"
What was Queens original team name before gaels(not looking for golden gaels)
poodle doodle
A quick drawing of a curly-haired dog