Mrs.Berg | Science | Science | Science | Science |
What is Science
What does Mrs. Berg Teach?
What is the speed of light
What is faster the speed of light or sound?
What is amplitude?
What is the maximum power from the resting point
What is a reflection?
What is things being reflected back
What is a vibration?
What is a disturbance or rapid motion in two directions
What is Hawaii?
Where does Mrs.Berg live?
All colors
What colors is light made out of?
What is a measuring unit of sound?
What is a decibel
What is absorption?
What is absorbing in something
Sound, Volume, and Music
What is a speaker producing?
What is the US?
What is the country where she was born?
What is a transmission?
What is a transfer of light
What is pitch?
What is how high or low something sounds
What is sound?
What is a pressure wave created by vibration
What is a shadow?
What is a dark area or shape produced by a body coming between rays of light and a surface
Yes or No Does Mrs.Berg like Shrillex
What is red
What is the color with the longest wavelength?
What is medium?
What is something in a middle position
What is sound
What happened first sound or music?
What is a crest?
What is a point on a surface wave where the displacement of the medium is at a maximum
Does Mrs. Berg like Science?
What is the sun
What is the biggest source of light?
What is a longitudinal wave?
What is a wave vibrating in the same direction of the disturbance
What is the moon
What is the second biggest producer of light?
What is a trough?
What is the lowest point?