Theory of Plate Tectonics Types of Boundaries
What is Pangea?
What is the name of the single landmass before it broke apart?
What is divergent boundaries?
What is the name of the boundary where two plates move away from each other?
What is Alfred Wegener?
What is the name of the scientist who proposed this theory?
What is transform boundaries?
What is the name of the boundary that most commonly causes fault lines and earthquakes?
What is 1912?
What year was this theory made?
What is convergent boundaries?
What is the name of the boundary that causes mountains to form?
What is Continental Drift?
What is the name of the event where the continents started to drift apart?
What is the density of the plate?
What is the reason for why one plate would fall under another plate in a convergent boundary?

Plate Tectonics

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