Roots | Flowers | Leaf Layers | Stems | Cycles |
What is a taproot?
The root system that will survive a drought longer.
What is Stigma?
The pollen sticks to this part of the flower.
What is Stoma?
This is the opening in the epidermis for gas exchange.
What is Terminal Bud?
This provides the growth at the end of the branch.
What is Respiration?
This occurs in all cells.
What is fibrous?
The root system that will more likely prevent soil erosion.
What is Anther?
This part of the flower produces pollen.
What is Epidermis?
This is provides an outer layer of protection for the leaf.
What is Axillary Bud?
This grows a flower on the side of the stem.
What is Respiration?
This is where glucose is used.
What is adventitious?
The roots system that supplies extra support and foudn where not normally expected.
What is Petals?
This part of the flower attracts the pollinators to the plant.
What is Palisade Cells?
This provides support fo the leaf and contain chloroplasts.
What is Node?
This can grow a bud, leaf, branch or even roots.
What is Photosynthesis?
This is where water is used.
What is tuber?
This is a thickened underground stem that stores carbohydrates.
What is Pistil?
This is the female portion of the plant.
What is Spongy Cells?
This provides for an area of gas exchange in the leaf.
What is an Internode?
This can tell if it was a good or bad growth year.
What is Respiration?
This is where energy is released.
What is bulb?
This is a shorted stem surrounded by scales.
What is the Style?
This transorts the pollen to the ovary.
What is Cuticle?
This provides a waxy layer of protection.
What is Xylem?
This is carries water and nutrients up the plant.
What is Photsynthesis?
This occurs in the light.