Order of the planets | True or False Questions | Facts |
Which planet is the 5th from the sun?
False. It is the second hottest planet. Venus is the hottest.
Mercury is the hottest planet in the solar system?
Which is the smallest planet in the solar system?
Which planet is the 3rd from the sun?
Earth was once believed to be the center of the universe?
Which is the only planet known to support life?
Which planet is the 1st from the sun?
Venus rotates counter clockwise?
Uranus. Like the other gas giants, it has a hydrogen upper layer, which has helium mixed in. Below that is an icy “mantle, which surrounds a rock and ice core. The upper atmosphere is made of water, ammonia and the methane ice crystals that give the plane
Which planet is known as the “Ice Giant”?
Which planet is the 4th from the sun?
False. The coldest planet is Uranus
Jupiter is the coldest planet?
The one around Saturn
A ring system around a planet or asteroid is a disk made up of dust, chunks of material (ice, in the outer solar system), and small moons. This material forms a ring (or rings) around its parent body. Which planet has the largest ring system in the solar
There is not a 9th planet
Which planet is the 9th from the sun?
Mars is known for its blood-red color and takes its name after the roman God of war?
The four gas giants in our solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
List two of the giant gas planets.