Strengths and Barriers | Writing Objectives | Interventions | Bonus | Bonus II |
What is 2 of each.
o There should be more strengths than barriers.
What is the best practice regarding the numbers of strengths and barriers on the POC?
What is SMART.
Which acronym is used to write an objective?
What is The member, the CM, and treatment team.
At a minimum who should be included in the interventions?
What is By preferred name.
How do you refer to the member in the plan of care?
What is 30 days.
How many days do you have to obtain a signature on a completed POC?
What iso False. Why?
•True or False: There should be more barriers than strengths in the POC, because the barriers demonstrate what we are working on?
What is True
True or False: The objective is a short term, specific outcome that the member will achieve as a result of being in the program?
What is 2.
What is the minimum allowed number of interventions per objective?
What is Yes.
Should the objective have a time frame.
What is The comprehensive assessment.
What should be completed first before the POC?
What is No. Why?
Is “Income” a good example of a strength?
What is
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely
What does SMART mean?
What is False. Why?
True or False: Interventions are standalone and should not be related the objective?
What is False. Why? Example?
True or False? Goal statements should be specific.
What is Yes. Why?
If a member does not have a PCP, does it need to be an objective on the POC?
What is
Who supports you? What do you enjoy doing? What has worked for you in the past? How would your friend describe you? What are some of your accomplishments?
Provide 4 examples of strengths.
What is Yes. How?
Does the primary problem have to be addressed in the objective?
What is True.
True or False: Interventions are the activities, steps and services provided by the CM, members of the care team and the member to assist them is reaching the objective?
What is False.
True or False? There should be multiple goal statements.
What is Gaps In care, adding a PCP.
When can the adherence objective be used on the POC?
What is What challenges you?
Resource needs, triggers, environmental factors, daily living skills?
Provide 4 examples of barriers.
What is No. Why?
Is this a good example of an objective statement? “The member will lose 25lbs.”
What is No. Why?
Should target dates for the interventions be consistent across the board?
What is The member and the CM.
Who should be signing and dating the POC?
What is Yearly
A significant event/ change. Examples?
How often should the plan of care be updated?